Thursday 8 December 2016

Introducing Me!

Hi fellow bloggers,

My name is Jess, I am 18 years old and I am currently studying Performing Arts at CCCU. I thought i'd create this blog to be able to get things off my chest and to be able to look back on the good things in my life, hence the blog title 'Reasons to Smile'... kinda sweet really. 

I finish Uni on Friday and god I cannot wait to get out of there. I am done with the constant deadlines and the pressure from tutors, one can only take so much. My tutors are so much hard work anyway, trying to contact them is like contacting a brick wall. I just can't wait to get drunk with my friends and celebrate Christmas with my family. 

The thing about my family is that we are all so separated. My mum and little sister live in Swindon whilst me, my little brother and dad live in Maidstone, so it's kind of impossible to see my Mum and sister that often. So I always love Christmas as it's the time that I get to spend the most time with the whole of my family altogether. 

One of the main things that seem to get me through is my friends, I absolutely love them to pieces. Whilst being at school, I never really had that many friends, true friends. I was the weird kid, the annoying kid and I must admit I was quite strange. I always wore my heart on my sleeve and i'd put everything into my friendships and never seem to get much back. But I guess thats what it's like at school, we're all very immature and don't take much seriously. 

Nevertheless, I know for a fact that if I ever had a problem I would be able to talk to my friends, no matter how far away some of them are, they will always be there for me like I will for them, and I will forever be grateful for that. 

So readers, I am really curious to know about what you would like to read. So please feel free to leave comments and advice on what you would like to see. And feel free to contact me by my Instagram: @reasonstosmileblogs 

So, to sum up today's blog this weeks 'Reasons to Smile' are...

1. The relationship I have with my family, even though we are so far apart.
2. My long-lasting friendships
3. It's December, which means... CHRISTMAS!!!

"Be the reason why someone smiles today" 

Jess x 

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